I've had enough. This is stupid. What's stupid? Whining about Christmas, it's stupid. Venting about a "War on Christmas." Lamenting 1st world problems about November and December. It's reached it's peak, and I'm here to tell you, as your friend, to get over yourself. It's stupid. Okay, you hate that Christmas comes earlier every year. I want my turkey before I want Santa. I want thanksgiving before Frosty. I want my pumpkin pie before I see the baby Jesus. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were so repulsed by the promise of Jesus. It must be horrible, seeing manger scene inflatables and kids getting shepherd costumes on Nov. 3rd. Shocking! Having the promise of Jesus coming 2 months early, it's horrible! I mean, think of Mary, she had a whole 9 months to freak out over it! The horror! Oh, wait, you actually like baby Jesus? THEN WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!!!
Oh, it's the music. Hearing the Christmas music before Thanksgiving, what an assault on the ears. You can only hear Jingle Bells sung by preschoolers so much until it reaches levels of torture. Yeah, kids should stop singing Christmas songs. The idiots. They should know better. They should be singing Thanksgiving songs. Wait, there are no Thanksgiving songs? Well that's Christmas' fault isn't it? What a shallow holiday, with radio stations playing Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Silent Night, Holy Night, Joy to the World, talking about the coming of Christ, it's just anti-Gospel isn't it? Wait, these songs are telling the story of the Gospels? THEN WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!!!
Oh, you feel that hearing these songs over and over, they get old, lose their meaning, become less special. It's like if we celebrated Holy Communion every Sunday, the sacraments would get stale on the tongue and heart, wouldn't it? Yeah, getting too much God in your life is horrible. Same with the music. It's the price we pay when TVs and radios can't turn off. Oh wait, they can turn off? You have other music or TV to watch via Pandora, Netflix, or an old fashioned DVD collection? THEN WHAT'S YOUR STINKING PROBLEM?!!! Oh, there's those ads on the internet; emails and flash ads. You actually pay attention to them? Does anyone? Oh, you do? That's
YOUR problem, seriously get over yourself. Oh, they play Christmas music over the speakers at work? Okay, I gotcha now. You can't help yourself and take notice, just like you do when they play soft-rock and elevator music the other 10 months of the year. I'm sure you give the rest of the music equal attention. Seriously, GIVE ME A BREAK. Eat some cheese with your whine. Besides, I have an autistic son who sang Merry Christmas to You all the way to Valentine's Day last year, and it was glorious, so take your whinny ears and plug them up if they bleed too much.
Then there's the War on Christmas, oh wow, the horror. I remember those days where we could sing Christmas carols at school
in November, talk about baby Jesus in homeroom, see manger scenes in front of schools and courthouses, that was so sweet. I'm serious, I did live in such a time, the glorious 1980s. It's sweet when the government does all the hard work of preparing Advent for us. Now that's a luxury! What great days to be a Christian, when we had the choice of not having to do anything Christian. It was done for us! But now, oh the blasphemy! Who knew that other religions did other religious stuff in December. Did you say, Han-uk-kah? Ram-a-dan? Do you speak A-mer-i-can?! And now we have to be, in-clu-sive in public places. Gag me. Forget those Jewish or Muslim kids, us Christians should just shove baby Jesus down their ungrateful throats until they learn to like it, just like Brussels sprouts! But now we can't. Stupid US Constitution and 1st Amendment. So now we have to do all the work. We have put up our own Christmas trees, our own manger scenes, and proclaim the good news. Makes me cringe. Next we'll have to decorate our own churches too, to make up for it! I don't know if my lazy butt can handle the stress. See I'm with you, I miss the days when the government (which we all hate) did all the religious stuff for us. Of course, now businesses are putting up the Christmas stuff up instead, religious and otherwise. So we won't find baby Jesus at our courthouses but inside Target and Walmart, for SALE (where more people go to anyway), but forget that, you're right. A war is being waged on our laziness, and it's not fair! Oh, you think I'm being sarcastic? Really? Puulease, I'm neeeever sarcastic. OF COURSE I'M BEING SARCASTIC! STOP YOUR WHINING AND GET OVER YOURSELF!
The final horror, that you're so tired during and after Christmas. Everything is so so busy. The list of places to go, things to see, people to greet, it's so much, I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT! I mean, all those darn family members who love you and want to see you, how dare they for wanting to see you! DON'T THEY KNOW I DON'T HAVE FREAKING TIME?! I'll love them later, so I'll just see them later. Maybe at their funeral, that will work. Till then, I HAVE to organize the office Christmas hootenanny, or sew those three costumes for the Christmas pageant at school or church where my kid has one line! "
Oh look, what is that, a star?!" THAT'S MY KID! TELL ME YOU GOT VIDEO OF THAT! See, I feel for you there. Having a disorder of where it's impossible to say no, that's got to be hard. Oh wait, you
So in conclusion, here's what my family is doing, to prepare for this War Against Whinny. We are singing Christmas songs right now, and it's the chorus of angels, and if your fingers are in your ears I genuinely feel sorry for you. We are putting up our Christmas decorations in about a week, and will eat our Thanksgiving spread at a big table surrounded by family with a thanksgiving table cloth and Christmas tree glowing bright. If we can't give thanks for God answering our prayers of 'O Come O Come Emmanuel,' then seriously we're a sorry bunch indeed. If all we see in the "secular" world is Santa (who gives gifts to children, it's not like he's an arsonist), big freaking whoop. It's not making me less Christian, and I don't need the government to reinforce my faith. It's not
that weak. We are still preparing the way of the coming of Christ, and it's not diminished in anyway by the overrated power of secularism. And we are going to prioritize what we do, where we go, and be happy about it and not fret.
Here's the thing, stop whining and acting like some victim. It's shallow and pathetic. If you shared your
serious Christmas complaints with the refugees Mary and Joseph and their little defenseless toddler, or Syrian refugees living on the streets in unfriendly countries, or to poor hungry children living in your neighborhood of whom Christmas is a stranger, just take a wild guess as to the look you'll receive. Time to get real people. Prioritize. Pray. Get humble and get over yourself. And for God's sake (and I mean God's sake), shut, up. Start listening instead. You just might hear that chorus of angels that hasn't stopped singing.