So we are at that point in Camp Life as we head toward the later days of the week. These are significant days for two reasons; Talent Show tonight, and Closing Campfire Worship tomorrow night. But as of now, it's days 3 & 4 that are worth mentioning. I'll give you some highlights;
The more eccentric the mug, the better |
*Every morning I'm at the porch for morning devotions at 6am. I LOVE having the porch to myself (even though I end up chatting with maintenance extraordinaire and dear friend Greg the whole half hour (wakeup is at 6:30 am). This also secures my beloved rocking chair spot. At 6:30 the bell rings, and at the start of the week it is a steady army of little people who come down for rocking chairs, hot chocolate, and the best spots for the morning devotion (7:15-7:30 am). Yesterday and today, the numbers are dwindling. They still come, but more arrive after 7. There is a terrific group of elementary school boys who are 6:35, sharp. Mucho respect. (
When I was on staff, our boys were at the rockers at 6:31 sharp. We were late just once in 5 years). Peoples of all ages are starting to tire out.
The Tekoa rhythm can leave you feeling upside down, but only at first |
*Everyone is a bit tired, but everyone is in rhythm. Early in the week new campers (and new clergy) are full of questions. When is meal time? When is light's out? When does devotions start? Where is Laurel Lodge? Where's the infirmary? Who sleeps in Little Lodge? What's the new cabins called? Where did the trees go?'s second nature. There are a few curveballs, most mostly everyone has been "trained," except....
Camp Tekoa cries when campers leave with H.S. Only YOU can prevent H.S. |
*There is a little bug going around this week. It's called homesickness or H.S (saying the words out loud is dangerous too). It's very contagious. Talking with the directors I've learned that at this point in the summer it is quite common. Why? Because families have just come back from long vacations, or kids have been jumping from sports camps to other camps and visits and with no "downtime" at home have arrived at Camp Tekoa. Some kids handle it quite well, others do not. And I do remember when a camper starts to feel the effects of this bug (symptoms include sniffling, wiping of eyes, referring to family members with extra fondness), you nip it in the bud! If you can. Most take a deep breath and manage, some parents draw a line in the sand and say no (and such parents are celebrated) and some throw in the towel.
So parents, if you're reading this, be mindful of letting your kids have some downtime before camp. You may be immunizing them from this common camp condition.
Huzzah! |
*Camp is much more fun when my wife Renee and my youngest son Lane join in with Will and I, and they just got here! Huzzah!
*When a staff member feels ill, or is having a hard day, or needs backup, the volunteers that come charging in is inspiring. No one does this by themselves, nor should they have to. It's awesome to know so many have your back. Note that this also includes the visiting clergy. I've had a couple of moments and it's the same; I have your back. Praise the Lord.
Behold a quiet moment in the "well oiled machine" |
*Rev. Darren Crotts, my dear friend and colleague here has called Camp Tekoa a "well oiled machine." No kidding. It's high energy, but it's controlled. And from my experience it's been this way for over 20 years (technically over 50).
*The weather has turned drier......but much hotter. I prefer the wetter and cooler. Stupid July in the! :(
*The number of people (both clergy and campers) that have come to us wrestling with calls to ministry stands at 4. That's just this week. Wow!
*The excitement for Talent Show is growing! Will Star Wars be in it? Duh, of course Star Wars will be in it!
*Watching my special son Will and his one-on-one counselor volunteer Jerry continues to warm and heal my heart.
*The staff continue to embrace and accept me.
*The campers continue to wow and recharge me.
*The church is a better place because of Camp Tekoa
Day 5 (mostly Friday stuff with maybe Talent Show highlights) will be my last entry of Camp Tekoa Life for this year (probably not published till after the fact, Saturday or Sunday), so tell then may the Force be with you!
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