Monday, February 13, 2012

Duck Hunt, the Timeless Classic!

Do you ever look through a box of old stuff and enjoy the feeling of nostalgia? I do. I have a little box full of cards, pictures, notes that I consider my little treasure box. It helps me revisit a bit of childhood and memories I thoroughly enjoy. You know that videogames also have the same effect for me? They do, and I am not alone.

I was blessed to grow up in the game where Nintendo entered the US market like a Japanese Invasion, much like the British Invasion with the Beatles. The Beatles changed music and America, and Nintendo changed us the same way. Upstairs in my dad's office is where I would spend countless hours diving through pipes with Mario, face off evil dragons as Link, or fight the wicked Dr. Wily in Mega Man. Mom and dad would watch with fascination, but they didn't get it. My sister would sometimes join in, but usually it was a solo trek. There was one game though that would get everyone involved....and I usually hate it....Duck Hunt.

You grab a gun, which is fun, you shot it at the TV, which is a fun novelty at first, and you shot the ducks. It is something everyone can enjoy, but the ducks get faster, the time to shoot gets smaller, and as your aim fails you, you are MOCKED!
I HATE that dog! He's evil! I don't know how many times I've pulled the trigger of my orange gun on this annoying pooch! I would go to sleepovers with my friends, we would play games for hours, which would turn to the game that every Nintendo came with, and we would all laugh at each other when the stupid dog mocked your marksmanship. I don't think anyone enjoyed that stupid mutt.

Soon a Super Nintendo came into my possession, and Duck Hunt went into a box to be forgotten. Until one day, last Christmas, we went to the beach. There in the beach house this same box had travelled, and on a rainy day, behold!

My wife is not a gamer, not by any means, yet the sight of Duck Hunt gave her an excitement about gaming I've never seen. So we began firing at the ducks like when we were kids, evil dog and all. We had such a fun time! I reached level 13, even though I hadn't played in 15 years at least! If you played games in your past and those game systems are gathering dust in your closet or garage, get them out, give them a whirl. You might be surprised how much fun you will have.
(images come from Wikipedia, except the one I took)

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