Sunday, February 19, 2012

My son in the jungle...

As I have mentioned, I am a pastor.  And I had the most interesting encounter this week.  I was visiting some of the shut-ins of my parish; one being in a nursing home.  He was in the hallway when I noticed an angry old woman in a wheelchair going down the hallway yelling at people, heading our way.  I had never met her before, and I was already intimidated.  If she wished to kick my butt, I believed she could.  Well she wheeled up to my parishioner and myself and said to me in a stern and angry voice, "I am going to take your baby to the jungle!  What do you think about that?!"  I had never met her before, so I answered the only way I could...honestly.  I said, "Well, he would probably like that."  

She wheeled away to deliver her mass protests, and I was left giggling.  I felt bad for the lady, but I've learned it is best to roll with the punches when you dealing with people whose minds are sick.  Take this advice if you ever find yourself visiting a nursing home.  Just roll with the punches and it will be okay.

Meanwhile, my son has treated the house as a jungle; sneaking into rooms, finding sacred objects that he normally couldn't reach (ex., anything off of the table), and climbing up the furniture.  It's an adventure with this kid.  

On that note, I treated my camera skills as of that of a National Geographic reporter; maintaining stealth and distance while I document the exotic creature in it's natural habitat.   It is an exhilarating experience when I capture such a moment on film.  I should submit this to the networks!  And here is my rare experience in documenting this exotic, independent, and busy creature:

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